Returning to normal life

Telling others

You don’t need to tell anybody if you don’t want to. However, it might be much harder to keep that secret. You don’t need to tell everybody, just your close inner circle of family and friends, it will make it easier for you to relax and be yourself.

Friends and family

You don’t need to tell anybody if you don’t want to. However, it might be much harder to keep that secret. You don’t need to tell everybody, just your close inner circle of family and friends, it will make it easier for you to relax and be yourself.

Work colleagues

Just like with family and friends, who you tell and what you tell them is entirely up to you. However, it is a good idea to tell your close work colleagues so that they can understand and support what you are going through.

New relationship

You don’t have to tell a new partner or someone you have just met on your first date that you have a stoma. No one will be able to tell you have a stoma just by looking at you, it doesn’t take away from who you are, it is only a small part of you.

Introducing: A Bigger Life

A safe and welcoming space for ostomates, friends, family and caregivers to talk about a wide range of topics related to living with a stoma.