Cognitive impairment & additional needs
Providing the right support and the right products is essential in helping people to manage day to day life with an ostomy.

Supporting a person with both cognitive or physical impairment and a stoma can be extremely challenging and frustrating for both the carer and the ostomate.
Those with dementia, for example, often find having a stoma bag confusing and distressing, resulting in them fiddling with the bag, ripping it off and experiencing difficulty changing bags – all of which can cause the seal to fail with catastrophic results. For the carer, the added pressure of helping keep the ostomate clean and in turn the peristomal skin healthy can be an added challenge.
Similarly, patients suffering from physical impairments like neuropathy or impaired vision, as well as learning disabilities, can also pose a challenge when combined with having a stoma.
View our webinar below for some examples of both carers and clinicians managing ostomates with cognitive impairment.
Clinical Resources
Watch our video which provides both clinical and carer insight into the challenges of caring for those with additional needs.
Read how ostomy care nurses are in the best position to offer practical solutions/strategies to improve the quality of life of those with cognitive impairment.
Download the following leaflet containing three distinct case studies of how using eakin dot® 2-piece stoma solution was able to improve the outcomes for patients with learning difficulties, dexterity issues and impaired vision.
Product choice
We have a wide range of pouches, seals and accessories to support your patients following discharge. If you would like samples, please contact your local rep.