When I first got my stoma, I struggled to find the right products that didn’t cause skin irritation. No matter what pouch I tried, the skin directly around my stoma was always really sore. I was changing my bag twice a day due to leaks which didn’t help. My stoma nurse suggested a seal which did help, but it was so thick and hard to shape around my stoma. I was always conscious it was there and any time I moved around it would pull at my skin.
During a routine appointment with my stoma nurse, she changed my bag, she put on an eakin freeseal® instead of my usual seal. She said, “I’m going to try you with this new ring, I think you are going to love it!”.
What a difference! I didn’t need to change my bag for two days as it wasn’t itchy, and couldn’t even tell the seal was there! Then when I changed my pouch, it was so easy to remove. eakin freeseal® are now an essential part of my regular routine!
The first thing I noticed was how mouldable the seals were, how easy it was to fit snugly around my stoma. Being only 1.8mm thin it just sits discreetly under my bag. I can’t feel it when I move, even when I’m playing tennis or doing a workout. eakin freeseal® has given me the freedom to be active again!
The best thing about it is that it has helped to heal the skin around my stoma. I’m free from redness and no longer sore. It’s just so absorbent, it just absorbs any output on the surrounding skin and protects it from damage.
Summer, U.K.